Horse Hill fundraiser kicks off with a 1,000-mile sponsored cycle ride

Surrey resident Sarah Finch is taking her legal challenge over Horse Hill oil to the Court of Appeal. To do this, she needs to raise an extra £25,000 for legal fees and court costs – and the Weald Action Group is supporting her all the way.

Campaigners from across the south-east are helping with a series of fundraising initiatives which kick off this month. First up, two campaigners, Simon and Sam, are embarking on a 1,000-mile bike ride from Kingston to Barcelona to help with raising funds and awareness for the campaign ahead.  You can Sponsor Simon and Sam here.

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EA Consultation for Drilling Permit for Isle of Wight – Please Comment

UKOG has applied to the Environment Agency for a drilling permit, despite no decision made yet by the Isle of Wight Planning Committee. We believe this to be a deliberate attempt to influence the decision of the application if the EA grants the permit in advance.

The Team of the Don’t Drill The Wight Campaign are urging communities to respond to the consultation following the EA Guidelines. We are also writing to Bob Seely MP to ask him to respond in objection to the permit.
Please support us by heading to our website at  to follow simple instructions to respond and read ideas for relevant comments to be written in your own words.Read our Newsletter for more details by clicking the image above

More here from Drill or Drop 

IGas hydrogen proposal will increase greenhouse gas emissions in Surrey

IGas are proposing to install hydrogen generation systems at two of their sites in Surrey, at Albury and Bletchingley.

Hydrogen burns without producing any carbon dioxide and other emissions except water. Consequently, IGas are claiming that their hydrogen production can be part of the transition to the UK Net Zero.

This is misleading on a number of grounds. Their plans will lead to a significant increase in emissions at their sites in Surrey.

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