We ask Surrey County Council about unlawful oil production at Horse Hill

Campaigners celebrate outside the Supreme Court
Campaigners celebrate the historic ruling from the Supreme Court on the Horse Hill case

Planning permission for oil production at Horse Hill was quashed this summer as a result of the legal challenge which Sarah Finch brought on behalf of the Weald Action Group.

Yet Horse Hill Developments Ltd (HHDL) continues to produce oil at the site, according to figures submitted by its parent company UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) to the industry regulator. Read more on Drill or Drop

It’s not clear why UKOG are still producing oil at Horse Hill despite having no planning permission to do so.

The Weald Action Group’s lawyers have written to Surrey County Council, the planning authority responsible for enforcing mineral planning issues, asking whether the Council agrees that the continued works don’t have planning permission; when they expect HHDL to apply for retrospective planning permission; and whether they will take enforcement action to stop the works. So far we’ve not had a response.

The new MP for the new Dorking and Horley constituency, Chris  Coghlan, and others have also asked the Council similar questions.

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