Other sites


Operator: Island Gas Energy plc (IGas)

Exploration for gas had been carried out intermittently since 1987 at this site at New Road, Albury, which is in the middle of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

IGas was granted planning permission in July 2016 to convert the site from exploration to gas production. IGas anticipated that the well would generate about 20 tonnes of compressed natural gas per day, which would be compressed on site and taken by road to be injected into the gas grid at Portsdown Hill (Hampshire), requiring two tankers a day, seven days a week.

In 2018, Surrey County Council approved plans for 15 years of gas production. Delegated powers were used to approve the extension, thereby avoiding the need for public consultation.

In 2021, IGas announced plans to install a hydrogen generation system at the site. They claimed that this was a contribution towards the transition to net zero in the UK – the plans would in fact lead to a significant increase in emissions.  Read the  Weald Action Group’s comment. The Council refused the application.

Operator: Island Gas Energy plc (IGas)

Island Gas Energy plc (IGas) received planning permission in March 2016 for another 15 years of oil and gas production at two sites (Bletchingley Central, which produces oil, and Bletchingley-2, where gas has been found) for 15 years. Both sites are west of the A22, south of Godstone village. Planning permission was given using delegated powers, bypassing proper local democratic scrutiny. The two sites are within half a mile of nearby homes. In December 2018, the Environment Agency issued new permits to IGas for these operations.

In 2021, IGas announced plans to install a hydrogen generation system at the site. They claimed that this was a contribution towards the transition to net zero in the UK – the plans would in fact lead to a significant increase in emissions. The application was unanimously refused in October 2022. Read the Weald Action Group’s comment on the application and Drill or Drop’s report on the refusal.

Operator: Island Gas Energy plc (IGas)

This is north of East Grinstead and includes one non-producing well site.  The licence was issued in 2016 and has been extended until July 2024. IGas has not yet drilled a well here.




The South Downs National Park Authority refused an application by Celtique Energie to drill an exploratory oil well near Fernhurst in September 2014.

The committee voted unanimously to refuse the application because it was not in the public interest, had no exceptional circumstances to justify development, would damage the tranquil and rural character of the landscape, and would harm residents and visitors through noise and disturbance.

PL241 (Production Licence)
Operator: Angus Energy

Carless Exploration drilled a well at Lidsey, near Bognor Regis, in 1987. Angus Energy drilled a second well in October 2017 and brought the first well back into production in March 2018. In April 2018, they received planning permission for 10 more years of oil production at this site. Angus has also applied for an Environmental Permit to allow them to reinject waste water at Lidsey.

Operator: Island Gas Energy plc (IGas)

This site is producing oil, under a planning permission which runs until 31 December 2031.

IGas has applied for a new Environmental Permit for the site, as part of an exercise to bring older oil and gas sites under environmental regulations introduced in 2013.

The new permit would allow it to reinject up to 17,000m3 of water a year, with a monthly limit of 2,500m3. The water is produced from oil and gas sites in the Weald, and would contain naturally-occurring radioactive material, known as NORM. IGas is already reinjecting wastewater at Singleton.

A group of concerned citizens from local communities surrounding the Singleton oilfield has formed Singleton Forest Watch and is investigating methane emissions from the oilfield, among other things.

The Weald Action Group has objected – read more and look at our consultation response.

Operator: Island Gas Energy plc (IGas)
This site is producing oil.


If you have more information about any oil or gas drilling planned or taking place in the Weald, please contact us.